Tuesday, June 18, 2013


These last couple of weeks, I've been feeling like my life has shifted a gear and now I'm speeding right through it. So many things have happened and I've met so many people in such little time. I like this. It is a bit stressful but it just feels so wrong to be stagnant. I've been obsessing over two major projects I want to get started here at Penn and trying to get things started on my own. In the midst of all of this, I realized a deep rooted passion in offering my aid and service to people in anyway possible. It's riveting. I literally feel a rush in my veins when I talk about making a difference in my immediate community. So, in addition to my projects, I decided to create a natural hair blog to act as a reservoir of black women in their most beautiful form. I want it to be a platform for us to express ourselves. We're growing and expanding. We may not be the majority just yet, but it's a step in the right direction. I'm deeply captivated by the beauty of Black women and honestly, a bit biased to natural hair. Ever since starting my journey nine months ago, it was bound to happen.  

I'm so happy I didn't let my initial fears stop me. I kept worrying about its success and how different it may not be from others. Thank God I didn't let that stop me. I enjoy giving people the opportunity celebrate themselves. We all need to be uplifted by each other without question from time to time 

While leaving my exam for work yesterday, I was approached by a man who turned out to be a veteran and also a photographer. To my surprise, he asked if he could take pictures of my natural hair because, like me, he appreciates the radiance of natural haired women. Needless to say I was elated and agreed. It's just so funny how perfectly timed this was. Thanks to him, I've thought about more ways to celebrate natural haired women (and thought more deeply about pursuing modeling ;)). 

These last few weeks have presented me with so much. I've learned not to question why things happen and to sort of accept it for what it is. I've listened to my instincts and been more in tune with my body. I've put fear behind me. I've been painfully nostalgic but extremely driven too. I can't even complain about the stress because the feeling of fulfillment exceeds that. These are the first few nights I've stayed up past four o'clock because I'm passionate about something (those who know me know my love for sleep so this is a big deal!). 

So I know this is an old and tired saying but it deserves to be said: do what you're passionate about! No amount of money will ever compare to the feeling you get of doing what you love

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