I've met a lot of people like this. Within the realm of casual dating and "hooking up", guys and girls here get their chance to test everything out. There's nothing wrong with sampling the goods. Yet, if that's all you care about, just sampling the goods and moving on to something else and repeat, what is there to get out of that? No one wants to be tied down in college especially not the first couple of years, but what I don't understand is why keep up with the game for so long?
It's a cycle that breeds off of instant gratification. The all-too-familiar "Hit it and quit it" phenomenon is widespread. I'm slightly surprised at the trend being so popular among women but if Rihanna can sing about "Cockiness" and Rude Boys, I guess that explains it. Either way, is there anything fruitful to come out of that? The constant "drive by" relationships? Then again, who wants to attach so much meaning to something that's so easy to get?
"Lust gluttons" I call them. Thriving off of pride and the actions are excessive of lust. The cheating. The lying. The growing numbers of "bodies." Hyper-sexed. Over-sexed. Till eventually we've overdosed. Desensitizing so much that we are romantically numb. We haven't the faintest idea of what love is yet try to correlate it to what we hear in songs or see on television. We like pictures and post memes but miss the whole concept entirely. By circumstance, experience, or otherwise, WE are fifty shades of messed up. Emotionally raped. Over and over. No one wants to go in too deep. No one wants to afford the energy nor the time. No one wants to feel the immense pressure of love for fear of getting crushed. No one wants their minds to go there, but have no problem letting their bodies do so. So we splash around on the outside. We try every fish. Feeling like we are full, yet walking around as hollow shells of ourselves. Only exisiting but never really feeling alive. Never satiated. Always wanting.
Is that how we really want to live?
Where is the fullness? Where is the feeling of being whole? Where is satisfaction in taking the risk of letting someone in and they turn out to be everything you wanted? What's so wrong with choosing wrong the first time around? Or second? Or third? Fourth?
I blame "Trust Issues"
Everyone has them and we're crippled by them.
Suddenly, we're all philospohical geniuses who can synthesize love with a couple of rhymes and verses. Yet, we can't even process the notion for ourselves. Often mixing up what we need and what we want. What is right and what feels right. What we think is love and what we know as lust.
We are the Lust Gluttons. Lord help us all.
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