I had a conversation with my friend the other week concerning the explosion of protest culture that we are suddenly submerged in. “When Trayvon Martin was murdered, people marched in every major city, and still, not a damn thing was done about it. Zimmerman still walked free, and not much has changed since then… While I am upset about what’s going on, I can’t walk around being angry all of the time Kelly. I have to live. I have to survive."
I reasoned with him that it is necessary to be angry. There was a point and time when black folks were forbidden from expressing such rage, lest we would be killed or maimed. Despite the fear and misconceptions surrounding Black rage (misconstrued to promote inherently criminal behavior), it is a perfectly healthy response to a system that has shown us time and time again that white supremacy is rampant, and those subjected to it are constantly devalued. Today, protesting has become a manifestation of that rage. While I cannot and do not condone any of the other violent manifestations of rage (looting, robbing, killings, etc), I do understand that it is naive of us to think that all of those who are constantly victimized and made to feel powerless on a daily basis, after exhausting every other peaceful option and finally succumbing to nihilism, would resort to more violent behavior. It is a product of frustration and the constant tensions Blacks face trying to escape the social control of racism. Not to mention that several news media stations are eager to only display this play-by-play of angry Black people, reinforcing the racist fears of white America. With all that bombards the black psyche, it would be a breach of one’s sanity to not release this rage. Even those well-integrated in professional settings with white people feel rage, maybe even more so, and endure the psychological stress in figuring out how to handle it. Expressing rage is not only a form of catharsis, but a mode of survival. Simply put, black rage is a natural reaction to gross injustice, and a necessary component in properly progressing towards ensuring our rights be upheld.
While I understand the importance of physical protest as it stands to affect change, I completely understand that simply, for many, life has to go on. We cannot dwell in rage, we must move beyond it. I make the comparison to feminism. It means many different things to different people. One may feel empowered by radically asserting their power of choice in dress, or in protesting for equal wages to men. However, feminism can mean just being able to survive as one sees fit. The root of feminism is freedom. We are in no place to dictate what that may mean for everyone. It is a matter of perspective. I am always wary of the privileges that color my own lens, as I can sometimes only sympathize with the plight of those in a different condition than I. That does not mean that I cannot support them. That means that we must take the time to listen to them, listen to their needs, start the conversation, and most importantly, do not hastily assume that everyone is oppressed and should live a life that constantly reflects that.
Although cultural affinity is a positive way to identify an allegiance within the black community, it is not every black person’s duty to make their lives a showcase for fighting for justice for black lives. Many of us want our lives to be symbols of resistance, and to be at the forefront of every social justice movement, which is fine. However, for some, they just want to earn a decent living, make sure their children are educated, fed, and clothed, and to just be able to exist peacefully. That is what is most important for many people’s day-to-day, and that has to be acceptable to everyone. While we may not share that same view, we must not diminish someone else's view of life and accomplishment because it differs from ours.
So this is my pledge to always keep an open mind. To always interrogate my condition and of those around me. To be aware (#StayWoke). To always be challenging injustice, prejudice, racism, sexism, classism, ableism, and all of the -isms of oppression. To keep the uncomfortable conversations going among family, friends, colleagues and allies. To extend a hand to others. To feel the rage, but not let it consume me. And to go beyond anger, striving for peace through and by any means necessary.