I wanted to write a love poem
You know, for Valentine's Day
Then I thought about you
I wanted to write a poem where you drowned within the stream of my tears.
Where the streaks of ink from my pen scorched your flesh and you'd have to come
Thrashing, gasping, begging me to stop.
I wanted to write a poem that left you dangling by every letter.
The thin string of words stinging you in your fingertips so nothing
Could numb the pain.
I wanted to write a poem that stole your breaths in chaotic cries and moans.
That twisted your arms and bounded your legs.
I wanted to write a poem that made your body spasm and wrench uncontrollably.
That tickled your forehead into that wrinkle you made when you were confused.
I wanted to write a poem that would drunken your heart so that maybe, just maybe,
I'd believe something that came out of your tainted mouth.
I wanted to write a poem that would blind you in a way that would make up for my dull presence.
To strike you in a way my kisses never did.
I wanted to write a poem that made you confuse the light of dawn with the warmth of my skin so that sleepless nights left you in a dreadful yearning. Desperate for the sun to rise.
So that even if your eyes did close,
Every morning you'd wake up with cold sweat- filled nightmares of me.
And your toes were cold, cold, cold.
I wanted to write a poem that would melt glass into your veins then harden.
So that every step you took,
You'd crack, slowly.
Until finally,
You'd shatter.
I wanted to write a poem that ran over you and ran through you.
And again
And again.
I wanted to write a poem that fucked you so violently that you were forced to like it.
So that you would whimper away, tail tucked in between your legs.
Feeling the same way I felt.
The day you left.
So that you could choke on your twisted goodbye.
So that the blood from your bitten tongue could seal away my despair.
As it will be you limping away.
Scrambling for your insides
Missing your pieces.